Cleaning companies are trained for proper cleaning that avoids cross-contamination and reduces the spread of disease and germs. This specialized training is above what a layperson at a business or homeowner may have. Nonetheless, during flu-season, and/or times of increased threat, such as the COVID-19 virus exposure we are now facing, additional steps are being taken to ensure everyone’s safety. How is this being done?
Staying Knowledgeable
Keeping abreast of developments, best practices, and the Center for Disease Control mandates and recommendations allows cleaning companies to evaluate and improve their practices. During high-crisis times, this may change daily. Daily operations may adjust to best meet these requirements.
Success All Along
Wiping down common areas and high-touch surfaces have always been a priority of cleaning crews, but now workers are doing it more often, between cleaning. Professional cleaning companies use disinfectants already and apply them in the correct concentration and allow them to sit untouched for the recommended time by the product manufacturers, ensuring their effectiveness.
Improved Measures
Many organizations and individuals are being more diligent in their hygiene practices during this time. Being extra cautious helps everyone to stay safe and healthy. Organizations that don’t use professional cleaning services may now better understand the value and importance of such workers and may be looking to increase the frequency of visits during this time. Cancelling services is counterproductive. Professional cleaning staff will take extra care to disinfect reception areas, phones, elevator buttons, railings, and doorknobs/handles during visits.
Avoiding Contamination
All cleaning tools used and brought onsite will be wiped down with disinfectant wipes prior to arrival to avoid cross-contamination. All staff, whether organization workers, or outside vendors such as cleaning staff, should avoid reporting to work if they have had a fever or flu symptoms in the last 24 hours, and after they have tested negative for COVID-19, if suspected.
Anyone who may have been exposed to the virus should self-quarantine and not return to work until they are cleared to do so by a medical professional. Please don’t allow the cleaning staff to come into your home if you are quarantined in order for our workers to stay safe and healthy as well.
Together, we can all take action to minimize the impact of this global threat.